Dispose of poppers correctly: what to look out for?

Experience exciting sex, enjoy intense orgasms and relax intensely: These effects are just a few of the many that poppers produce. However, the chemical only has a limited shelf life. You should dispose of the small bottles at the latest when you notice that the substances no longer have the desired effect.

Limited shelf life

It is completely normal for poppers to lose their effect after a certain time. The substance consists of so-called volatile compounds such as pentyl nitrite, hexyl nitrite or related substances, which simply dissolve over time. When opening the small bottles, it is unavoidable that the poppers mix with room air. However, oxygen and water vapor contained in the air deteriorate the composition of the poppers. Ideally, you should store the chemicals in cool and dark conditions. However, do not store the poppers in the fridge. The substances do not tolerate large temperature differences well. If the chemicals have to constantly adapt to cooler and warmer temperatures, these differences damage the poppers. You are therefore well advised to store the substances at a constant room temperature.

Do not take any health risks

When the bottle filled with poppers is almost empty, the remains usually only consist of nitrite. However, as nitrite is currently known to be harmful to health, you should dispose of the old bottles now at the latest. An important indication of an outdated substance is a foul odor that spreads when the bottle is opened. You should also be skeptical if impurities such as dust or other foreign bodies are visible on the surface of the liquid. Small ceramic balls move inside some poppers bottles, but these are not intended to keep the poppers liquid in motion. Because the small spheres can absorb moisture, they effectively extend the shelf life of the chemical. This means you can enjoy the benefits of poppers for longer. However, if the beads form a kind of slime over time and stick to the bottom of the bottle, this condition indicates that the bottle is no longer completely sealed. This annoyance usually occurs if the poppers have not been filled properly.

What is the shelf life of poppers?

If you follow all the important storage tips, you can usually keep the poppers unopened for several years. If you store the substance in a cool, dark place after opening it for the first time, you can use the chemical for up to eight weeks. After this time, there is an increased risk that the compounds inside the bottle will volatilize and you will have to dispose of the poppers. Because the shelf life of the poppers is reduced by constant temperature differences, you should not store the substances in the refrigerator. It is best to store opened poppers at room temperature. For health reasons, you should definitely refrain from using older poppers. Otherwise you may irritate your bronchial tubes or nasal septum too much by inhaling or develop a severe headache.

Things to know about disposal

We recommend one option for the proper disposal of poppers. With this solution, you are effectively protecting the environment and not endangering yourself or others.

Disposal at municipal recycling centers: the only right option

We recommend that you take the empty bottles to a waste and disposal point. However, be sure not to simply pour the remains of the poppers down the sink or toilet. Under these circumstances, it cannot be ruled out that nitrites will penetrate the groundwater and contaminate it. Therefore, you should generally not rinse out old poppers bottles. After all, even the smallest amounts of nitrites damage the water cycle. As a responsible consumer, you should always bear in mind that poppers are chemicals. You should therefore dispose of poppers in the same way as all other chemicals. Use special collection points for chemicals for this purpose, which are available throughout Germany. In some cities there are special mobile pollutant collection points. You can also contact municipal recycling centers.

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